Birds-eye view of the WiQo Restructuring Vitamin Cream on a light grey surface
Female mature model holding the WiQO restructuring Vitamin Cream in both hands in front of a light grey background.
Product image of the WiQo Restructuring Vitamin Cream lying on a light grey surface with slight rotation.
Birds-eye view of the WiQo Restructuring Vitamin Cream on a light grey surface
Female mature model holding the WiQO restructuring Vitamin Cream in both hands in front of a light grey background.
Product image of the WiQo Restructuring Vitamin Cream lying on a light grey surface with slight rotation.
Anti-Âge Illuminant Stimulant

WiQo Crème Restructurante Vitaminée


Crème à la texture soyeuse composée d’ester d’acide rétinoïque et de vitamine C qui exercent sur la peau une intense action anti-âge.

  • Améliore tonicité et texture de la peau
  • Réduit visiblement les ridules
  • Harmonise le teint
  • Revitalise la peau
  • Combat les radicaux libres
  • Améliore le teint terne
  • Performance anti-âge
  • Efficacité de la vitamine C
  • Action stimulante
  • Lutte contre l’apparition des rides