Birds-eye view of the WiQo Smoothing Fluid on a light grey surface
Youn female model holing the WiQo Smoothing Fluid in her left hand
Product image of the WiQo Smoothing Fluid lying on a light grey surface with slight rotation.
Birds-eye view of the WiQo Smoothing Fluid on a light grey surface
Youn female model holing the WiQo Smoothing Fluid in her left hand
Product image of the WiQo Smoothing Fluid lying on a light grey surface with slight rotation.
Anti-Âge Hydratant Lissant Stimulant

WiQo Fluide Lissant


Ce sérum de texture légère enrichi en acide glycolique, exerce sur la peau une intense action stimulante.

  • Améliore tonicité et texture cutanées
  • Réduit les signes de vieillissement
  • Lisse visiblement les rides
  • Affine le grain de peau
  • Éclaircit le teint et désobstrue les pores
  • Hydrate en profondeur