Birds-eye view of the WiQo Smoothing Fluid on a light grey surface
Youn female model holing the WiQo Smoothing Fluid in her left hand
Product image of the WiQo Smoothing Fluid lying on a light grey surface with slight rotation.
Birds-eye view of the WiQo Smoothing Fluid on a light grey surface
Youn female model holing the WiQo Smoothing Fluid in her left hand
Product image of the WiQo Smoothing Fluid lying on a light grey surface with slight rotation.
Anti-Aging Idratante Levigante Stimolante

Fluido Levigante WiQo

WiQo Smoothing Fluid – 30ml

Un fluido dalla texture leggera a base di acido glicolico che agisce sulla pelle con un’intensa azione stimolante.

  • Migliora il tono e la levigatezza della pelle
  • Riduce i segni del tempo
  • Attenua visibilmente le rughe
  • Affina la grana irregolare
  • Libera i pori
  • Idrata profondamente